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Updated: Oct 28, 2024

How to Work with Lunar Energy

Have you ever had trouble sleeping on a full moon? Did you know that the lunar cycle of the moon can directly influence your mood? Would you like to learn more about how to work with the moon’s energetic vibration in order to manifest the life of your dreams?

Our physical world is a reflection of the cosmic and planetary cycles that we observe in the sky. When we align with these cycles, we create more harmony, balance and peace in our inner world. Understanding the lunar cycles of the moon can be done through some basic knowledge of astrology: the study of how the sun, moon, planets and stars affects our daily lives. Their position at our time of birth shapes our personalities and offers a key to understanding what life has in store. Astrology helps us to better perceive our soul’s strengths, challenges, path and purpose.

New moons are a time for new beginnings and planning, to focus and gain clarity on your intentions in order to manifest your dreams. They have a yin energy. If you are new to astrology, a great way to start is by taking note of what planets influence each moon cycle. The last new moon was in Aires, a fire sign connected to moving forward and taking action. One way to work with these energies is to meditate on something that you would like to manifest (a new job, a relationship, better work-life balance, etc.) and take action in order to bring your vision into reality.

Full moons have a different energy of completion and endings. They embody a yang energy and are a time for contemplation rather than action, to focus on what we are ready to release. This upcoming full moon in Libra, a sign related to harmony and beauty, is a good time to focus on releasing anything that is out of balance or preventing us from feeling peace and beauty in our lives. Full moons are also a powerful time for healing, as we bring to the surface and release any limiting beliefs that are keeping us from stepping into our power.

When you understand and work with the moon cycles, you will experience a deeper connection to the ebb and flow of life. They provide an opportunity for introspection, to go inwards, connect on a deeper level with your intuition and reflect on what message the universe is communicating at that moment.

Sarah Boss

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